

获知九城即将上市,我们马上派记者前往上海向九城了解这方面的详情,经过记者长歌的努力,终于了解到九城上市后的一个大的计划:并购目标软件。   在招股书中,我们可以看到,2004年4月16日,九城以400万美元收购了目标软件20%的股份,从而取得了目标软件两年内所有在线产品的优先代理权。



  原文是“ Concurrently with our equity investment, we have obtained a right of first refusal to acquire licenses to operate in China all the online games developed by Object Software during the first two-year period after our investment. Furthermore, we have begun to offer game-related short messaging services, or SMS, including player accounts password protection service. ”
  Arrangements regarding Object Software.
  On April 16, 2004, we invested US$4.0 million for a 20% stake in Object Software, an established game developer in China which has developed a number of PC games and online games including several award-winning games. Subsequent to this initial investment, we will be required to enter into a share purchase agreement to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Object Software upon the satisfaction of certain conditions, including the commercial launch of the “Fate of the Dragon Online” game by December 31, 2004, and there being no material adverse change in the business, operations, properties, financial position or condition of Object Software or any of its subsidiaries since the date of our initial investment. The “commercial launch” of the “Fate of the Dragon Online” game is defined as the commercial launch by Object Software which results in the recognition of revenue in its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP; provided, however, that the commercial launch shall not occur until the number of average weekly peak concurrent users of the game reaches at least 50,000. We believe that it is unlikely that Object Software will be able to commercially launch the “Fate of the Dragon Online” game by the end of 2004.
  Pursuant to the subscription and purchase agreement, the amount of consideration we pay for the remaining interest in Object Software will depend on whether the three key online games developed by Object Software reach the specified performance targets within six months after the commercial launch of the “Fate of the Dragon Online” game, but in no event shall the consideration be less than US$20,000,000 or higher than US$75,000,000. The consideration may be paid in the form of our unregistered shares and/or cash. In the event that the monthly average trading price of our shares equals or exceeds the per share price at this offering, our consideration may be paid in the form of our shares, subject to Object Software’s selling shareholders’ right to request that we pay up to 50% of the consideration in cash. In the event that the monthly average trading price of our shares is below
  Table of Contents
  the per share price at this offering, Object Software’s selling shareholders shall have a right to request that we pay the consideration in the form of cash or any combination of cash and our shares, but Object Software’s selling shareholders as a whole shall in no event receive greater than 27% of our total issued share capital on a fully-diluted basis. In addition, none of the selling shareholders is entitled to receive a number of shares greater than the total number of the shares held by either Incsight Limited or Bosma Limited, so long as Incsight Limited and Bosma Limited each hold greater than 12% of our total issued shares. Currently, Incsight Limited, which is wholly owned by our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jun Zhu, and Bosma Limited are the two largest shareholders of our company.
  Concurrent with the closing of our acquisition of a 20% stake in Object Software, we have entered into a shareholders’ agreement with Object Software and all of its existing shareholders. Pursuant to the shareholders’ agreement, we have obtained a right of first refusal to acquire licenses to operate in China all the online games developed by Object Software during the two-year period after our initial investment. We also have the right to effectively participate in significant decisions that are expected to be made in the ordinary course of business of Object Software.







传九城将代理EA产品 股价两周上涨40%




九城韩裔当家:赌注《神仙传》 或命悬一线


九城借力《笑傲江湖》推重口味人妖游戏 或邀陈乔恩代言

  湖南卫视于正版的《笑傲江湖》播出后,雷翻大众,三观尽毁。即便如此,陈乔恩饰演的女版东方不败更是亮瞎众眼,因此它依然招揽了众多粉丝。借此东风,游戏界也纷纷推出《笑傲江湖》为题材的网页游戏。近日,据行业人士爆料,九城将在近期公布一款全新的客户端游戏。  据了解,该游戏将大打颠覆和另类牌,其中双性别妖...


  万众期待的《魔兽世界》限量公开测试将于3月21日下午15:00全面开启!  同时,九城将在2005年3月21日下午15:00准时启动账号创建功能,只要获得测试CD-KEY的玩家都可以通过指定的链接地址创建属于自己的账号和密码。由于并不鼓励玩家将自己获得的账号用于其他目的,所以,此次在限量测试九城...

德罗巴亮相虹口助阵《行星边际2》 两万人合唱 《征服》

  这本是一场上海申花VS北京国安的焦点战役,但因为德罗巴与《行星边际2》的亮相,更成为全国球迷、玩家关注的一场赛事。而除了德罗巴之外,全场广告牌及中圈背景全部换成了第九城市寄予厚望的新作:《行星边际2》。  另据消息称,九城将在ChinaJoy上全球首发《行星边际2》百万美金级CG,而这部CG的预...

爆“合约门”纠纷不断 九城《AU2》将面临瓦解


越南FPT Online公司已获《奇迹2》独家运营权

  据九城相关负责人证实,越南FPT Online公司已于日前获得《奇迹2》在越南市场的独家运营权。而东南亚其余市场的《奇迹2》运营,九城也将采取授权的方式进行,目前还在甄选过程中。  此前有媒体报道,九城《奇迹2》项目已接近“停止、解散”的境地,此次九城与FPT Onl...


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